Destinations That Are Popular With Student Traveling Enthusiasts


Destinations That Are Popular With Student Traveling Enthusiasts

The U.S. Federal Pell Grant is the biggest single source of financial aid to U.S. college students, providing assistance to more than eighty million students. The majority of eligible recipients are from minority groups, but non-minorities also qualify for financial aid. In fact, the Pell Grant has become a lot easier to obtain, thanks to recent congressional reforms. The new rules require that applicants are provided with detailed information about their families and incomes before they are approved of any federal financial aid.

Students may wish to consider a destination based on both national importance and tourism. The top five destinations chosen by the awardees were highly popular, with almost 85 percent of applicants studying in at least three states. From the National Assessment Center’s Digest of Educational Research on Student Needs and Literacy, which indicates that states with higher educational standards have more students going to college: California, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Illinois. On the flip side, states with lower standards have more tourists: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona, Oklahoma and Nevada.

When you’re planning your summer vacation this year, consider visiting one or all of the following destinations. Alaska is another popular destination, known for its vast tundra. While not exactly considered a “tourist destination,” the vast tundra is still worth seeing, especially from a luxury cruise ship. Florida is another popular destination, known for its beaches and culture. Hawaii is another popular destination, where tourists can relax by the water, surrounded by lush tropical scenery.